The Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes a beekeeper who has – over a period of years – promoted the value of beekeeping in Maine.
By having demonstrated the value of honeybees to the non-beekeeping public and having supported the efforts of Maine beekeepers over the years, our own Leroy Cronkhite has been bestowed this honor.
The following was submitted by Carol Cottrill regarding Leroy:
WMBA and Oxford Hills are lucky to have several beekeepers with years of experience and with the willingness to share that experience with others. Leroy Cronkhite is one of those beekeepers. Whether patiently explaining a basic technique to a “new-bee”, sharing information and tools from practices used many years ago or showing a youngster an observation hive he has “educated” so many of us. He participates at the WMBA Bee School by answering student’s questions and mentoring new beekeepers. He has spent many hours volunteering at the Farmington, Fryeburg and Waterford Fairs – he loves to show the kids the “buggies” and tease them about sharing some bees from the hive with them. His sense of humor and smile are a welcome addition to all of our activities!
Kenneth Record is selected as the 2018 Maine State Beeekeepers Association Beekeeper of the Year.
The Beekeeper of the Year Award is given annually to a beekeeper, who has, over a period of years, demonstrated and promoted good beekeeping, improved the public image of the industry, and served the industry as a volunteer.
The candidate for the award must be a member in good standing of the MSBA and shall be nominated by a local Chapter or by a member of the MSBA Board of Directors. The candidate must currently own or manage honeybee colonies in the state of Maine.
The following was submitted by Carol Cottrill regarding Kenny:
Kenny Record is a pillar of the Oxford Hills Honey Bee Club – we cannot imagine this club without him! He has presented numerous times at club meetings on topics ranging from feeding bees to grafting queens. He has demonstrated making splits using the club hives, extracting honey at the end of the season and many, many other beekeeping activities! He is always willing to share information and beekeeping techniques with club members. He often injects his Yankee thriftiness into the answers – no need to spend more than necessary! He provides an observation hive for the Waterford World’s Fair each year and volunteers at the club booth there – helping to spread the message of how important honey bees are.