Master Beekeeper Karen Thurlow will give a presentation on honey bee queens, including requeening, raising your own queens and finding them in the hive. She will also talk about spring buildup. Karen started keeping bees in 1978 and is a popular speaker at chapter meetings. She has taught microscopy workshops and bee schools, most recently for MOFGA. She ran New Moon Apiaries in Yarmouth before moving to New Brunswick, Canada two years ago, where she’s worked at Miellerie Charlo Honeyhouse and keeps hives in her backyard.
This webinar is open to MSBA members only.
If you are not a member of MSBA you can join at this link Become a Member – Maine State Beekeepers Association Website ( Additional webinars will be scheduled (April 29th is already scheduled with Jen Lund speaking!) so it is well worth the $15 membership fee!